npm install -g coffee-script
coffee -h Usage: coffee [options] path/to/script.coffee -- [args] -b, --bare compile without a top-level function wrapper -c, --compile compile to JavaScript and save as .js files -e, --eval pass a string from the command line as input -h, --help display this help message -i, --interactive run an interactive CoffeeScript REPL -j, --join concatenate the source CoffeeScript before compiling -l, --lint pipe the compiled JavaScript through JavaScript Lint -n, --nodes print out the parse tree that the parser produces --nodejs pass options directly to the "node" binary -o, --output set the output directory for compiled JavaScript -p, --print print out the compiled JavaScript -r, --require require a library before executing your script -s, --stdio listen for and compile scripts over stdio -t, --tokens print out the tokens that the lexer/rewriter produce -v, --version display the version number -w, --watch watch scripts for changes and rerun commands
$ coffee -c path/to/script.coffee $ coffee --watch experimental.coffee $ coffee --print *.coffee > all.js
someText = "Hello folks!" alert someText
var someText; someText = "Hello folks!"; alert(someText);
if ViktorTsoi? alert "I know it!"
alert "I know it!" if ViktorTsoi?
if (typeof ViktorTsoi !== "undefined" && ViktorTsoi !== null) { alert("I know it!"); }
function oneCoffee() { return alert("One coffee ready!"); }
var oneCoffee = function() { return alert("One coffee ready!"); }
oneCoffee = -> alert "One coffee ready!"
oneCoffee = -> alert "One coffee ready!"
var oneCoffee; oneCoffee = function() { return alert("One coffee ready!"); };
oneCoffee = -> answer = confirm "Ready for some Coffee?" "Your answer is " + answer
oneCoffee = -> answer = confirm "Ready for some Coffee?" "Your answer is #{answer}"
var oneCoffee; oneCoffee = function() { var answer; answer = confirm("Ready for some Coffee?"); return "Your answer is " + answer; };
oneCoffee = (msg = "Ready for some Coffee?") -> answer = confirm msg "Your answer is #{answer}"
var oneCoffee; oneCoffee = function(msg) { var answer; if (msg == null) { msg = "Ready for some Coffee?"; } answer = confirm(msg); return "Your answer is " + answer; };
square = (x) -> x * x area = (x, y) -> x * y
var area, square; square = function(x) { return x * x; }; area = function(x, y) { return x * y; };
$("#tabs #error a").click (e) -> e.preventDefault()
$("#tabs #error a").click(function(e) { return e.preventDefault(); });
$("#confirm").queue -> $(@).dequeue()
$("#confirm").queue(function() { return $(this).dequeue(); });
if age < 18 alert 'Under age'
alert 'Under age' if age < 18
if age < 18 then alert 'Under age'
if (age < 18) { alert('Under age'); };
if age < 18 alert "Under age" else alert "of age"
if age < 18 then alert 'Under age' else alert 'of age'
if (age < 18) { alert("Under age"); } else { alert("of age"); }
CoffeeScript | JavaScript |
is | === |
isnt | !== |
not | ! |
and | && |
or | || |
true, yes, on | true |
false, no, off | false |
@, this | this |
of | in |
in | no JS equivalent |
if paid() and coffee() is on then pour()
if (paid() && coffee() === true) { pour(); }
coffee() unless paid()
if (!paid()) { coffee(); }
if 2 < newLevel < 5 alert "In Range!"
if ((2 < newLevel && newLevel < 5)) { alert("In Range!"); }
message = switch state when 0 then 'good' when 1 then 'bad' when 2 then 'cat' else 'I dont know'
var message; message = (function() { switch (state) { case 0: return 'good'; case 1: return 'bad'; case 2: return 'cat'; default: return 'I dont know'; } })();
range0 = [1..4] range1 = [1...4]
var range0, range1; range0 = [1, 2, 3, 4]; range1 = [1, 2, 3];
range = [1..4] alert range[1..-1] alert range[1...range.length] alert range[2..] alert range[..]
var range; range = [1, 2, 3, 4]; alert(range.slice(1)); alert(range.slice(1, range.length)); alert(range.slice(2)); alert(range.slice(0));
fruit = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange'] fruit = [ 'apple' 'pear' 'orange' ]
var fruit; fruit = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange']; fruit = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange'];
fruit = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange'] for fr in fruit alert "Fruit: #{fr}" alert "Fruit: #{fr}" for fr in fruit
var fr, fruit, _i, _j, _len, _len1; fruit = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange']; for (_i = 0, _len = fruit.length; _i < _len; _i++) { fr = fruit[_i]; alert("Fruit: " + fr); } ...
fruit = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange'] withoutApple = (name for name in fruit when name isnt "apple")
var fruit, name, withoutApple; fruit = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange']; withoutApple = (function() { var _i, _len, _results; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = fruit.length; _i < _len; _i++) { name = fruit[_i]; if (name !== "apple") { _results.push(name); } } return _results; })();
race = (winner, runners...) -> print winner, runners
var race, __slice = [].slice; race = function() { var runners, winner; winner = arguments[0], runners = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; return print(winner, runners); };
kids = brother: name: "Max" age: 11 sister: name: "Ida" age: 9
var kids; kids = { brother: { name: "Max", age: 11 }, sister: { name: "Ida", age: 9 } };
obj = name: 'French' strength: 1 brew: -> alert("brewing #{@name}") pour: (amount = 1) -> if amount is 1 "Poured a single cup" else "Poured #{amount} cups"
var obj; obj = { name: 'French', strength: 1, brew: function() { return alert("brewing " + this.name); }, pour: function(amount) { if (amount == null) { amount = 1; } if (amount === 1) { return "Poured a single cup"; } else { return "Poured " + amount + " cups"; } } };
"#{coffee} has #{attrs.in_stock}" for coffee, attrs of coffees
var attrs, coffee; for (coffee in coffees) { attrs = coffees[coffee]; "" + coffee + " has " + attrs.in_stock; }
objects = { test: 1, apple: true } hasApple = (value for own key, value of objects when value isnt true)
var hasApple, key, objects, value, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; objects = { test: 1, apple: true }; hasApple = (function() { var _results; _results = []; for (key in objects) { if (!__hasProp.call(objects, key)) continue; value = objects[key]; if (value !== true) { _results.push(value); } } return _results; })();
class Base constructor: (@name) -> eat: (count) -> alert "I eat #{count} #{@name}" base = new Base("apple") base.eat(5)
class Base constructor: (@name) -> eat: (count) => alert "I eat #{count} #{@name}" notEat: => $.ajax url: "some url" success: (data) => @eat(data)
class Base constructor: (@name) -> eat: (count) => alert "I eat #{count} #{@name}" class Apple extends Base constructor: (@name) -> eat: (count) => alert "Apple method" super(count)
String::dasherize = -> this.replace /_/g, "-" alert "one_two".dasherize()
String.prototype.dasherize = function() { return this.replace(/_/g, "-"); }; alert("one_two".dasherize());
doSomething "123" doSomething # <- invalid
doSomething("123"); doSomething;
doSomething () -> 'hello'
doSomething(function() { return 'hello'; });
doSomething() -> 'hello'
doSomething()(function() { return 'hello'; });
action = (token, i) -> @tokens.splice i, 0, @generate 'CALL_END', ')', token[2]
var action; action = function(token, i) { return this.tokens.splice(i, 0, this.generate('CALL_END', ')', token[2])); };
doSomething 1, 2 3 4
doSomething(1, 2, 3, 4);
doSomething 1, 2 3 4
doSomething(1, 2); 3; 4;
doSomething (-> 'hello'), 1
doSomething((function() {}, 'hello'), 1);
doSomething (-> 'hello'), 1
doSomething((function() { return 'hello'; }), 1);
action({key: value}, {option: value}, otherValue);
action(key: value, option: value, otherValue)
action({ key: value, option: value }, otherValue);
# in one line @detectEnd i + 1, condition, action if token[0] is 'CALL_START'
if (token[0] === 'CALL_START') { this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action); }
# in one line @detectEnd i + 1, condition, action if token[0] is 'CALL_START' else false
// in one line this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action(token[0] === 'CALL_START' ? void 0 : false));
js = (parser.parse lexer.tokenize code).compile options
var js; js = (parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(code))).compile(options);
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