Alexey Vasiliev

  • 10+ years experience
    • Linux and Databases administrator
    • Web and Mobile developer (Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, C/C++)
  • Open-Source developer
    • PgTune, SQL Joins Visualizer
    • RWbox, ElixirV8, Go-kinesis
    • WebP-ffi, Zopfli-ffi
    • MongodbLogger for Rails
    • SMTRails and SHTRails (shared templates for rails)

My books

Pg book

Chef book


Relational database management system

Edgar Codd is the author of the 'relational' concept

  • each element of the table is a data element;
  • all cells in the column homogeneous: all elements in the column are the same type (numeric, character, etc.);
  • each column has a unique name;
  • identical rows in the table are not available;
  • the order of the rows and columns can be arbitrary.


For the first time the term "NoSQL" was used in the late 90's. The real meaning of the form used now got only in the middle 2009. Originally, it was a title of the open-source database created by Carlo Strozzi, which stores all data as ASCII files and used shell scripts instead of SQL to access data.

The term "NoSQL" has absolutely natural origin and has no universally accepted definition or scientific institution behind. This title is rather characterized by the vector of development of IT away from relational databases


Wide Column Store / Column Families



  • It is possible to compress data significantly, because in a single column of the table, the data is usually in the same type;
  • Allows on a cheap and low-powered hardware to boost the speed for the query performance in the 5, 10 and sometimes even 100 times, thus, due to compression, the data on the drive will take 5-10 times less space than in the case of the traditional RDBMS


  • In general there are no transactions;
  • Have a number of limitations for the developer who is used to the developed traditional RDBMS

Key Value / Tuple Store



  • RDBMS are too slow, have heavy layer of SQL cursors;
  • Solutions of RDBMS to store small amounts of data too much cost;
  • There are no need for SQL queries, indexes, triggers, stored procedures, temporary tables, forms, views, etc;
  • Key/value database is easily scalable and high-performance due to its lightness.


  • Limitations of relational databases ensure data integrity at the lowest level. In stores key/value no such restriction. Data integrity controled by applications. In this case data integrity may be compromised due to errors in the application code;
  • In an RDBMS if the model is well designed, the database will contain a logical structure that fully reflects the structure of the stored data. For a key/value storage it is harder to achieve.

Document Store



  • Sufficiently flexible language for querying;
  • Easy horizontally scalable.


  • Atomicity in most cases is conditional.

Graph Databases



  • Often faster for associative data sets;
  • Can scale more naturally to large data sets as they do not typically require expensive join operations.


  • RDBMS can be used in more general cases. Graph databases are suitable for graph-like data.

Object Databases



  • The object model is the best display of the real world, rather than relational tuples. This is especially true for complex and multi-faceted objects;
  • Organize your data with hierarchical characteristics;
  • Separate query language is not required for accessing the data, because access is directly to objects. Nevertheless, the possibility exists to use the queries.


  • In the RDBMS schema change as a result of the creation, modification or deletion of tables usually do not depend on the application;
  • Object database usually tied to a particular language with a separate API and data are available only through the API. RDBMS in this regard is a great opportunity, thanks to the common query language.

... and many others


What is PostgreSQL?


Pg logo

PostgreSQL ("Postgres") - is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance

PostgreSQL is based on the SQL language and supports many of the features of the standard SQL:2011

PostgreSQL evolved from the Ingres project at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1982 the leader of the Ingres team, Michael Stonebraker, left Berkeley to make a proprietary version of Ingres. He returned to Berkeley in 1985 and started a post-Ingres project.

PostgreSQL strengths

  • database support of virtually unlimited size;
  • powerful and reliable transaction and replication mechanisms;
  • extensible embedded programming languages: in the standard package are supported by PL/pgSQL, PL/Perl, PL/Python and PL/Tcl; additionally, you can use PL/Java, PL/PHP, PL/Py, PL/R, PL/Ruby, PL/Scheme, PL/sh and PL/V8, and has support for loading C-compatible modules;
  • inheritance;
  • easy extensibility.
Pg logo

PostgreSQL limits

Limit Value
Maximum Database Size Unlimited
Maximum Table Size 32 TB
Maximum Row Size 1.6 TB
Maximum Field Size 1 GB
Maximum Rows per Table Unlimited
Maximum Columns per Table 250-1600 depending on column types
Maximum Indexes per Table Unlimited

PostgreSQL features

SQL:2011 standard

  mysql> SELECT 124124/0;
  | 124124/0 |
  |     NULL |
  mysql> (SELECT * FROM moo LIMIT 1) LIMIT 2;
  | a    |
  |    1 |
  |    2 |
  mysql> SELECT 'aaa' = 'aaa ';
  | 'aaa' = 'aaa ' |
  |              1 |

SQL:2011 standard

  mysql> CREATE TABLE enums(a ENUM('c', 'a', 'b'), b INT, KEY(a));
  mysql> INSERT INTO enums VALUES('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('c', 1);
  mysql> SELECT MIN(a), MAX(a) FROM enums;
  | MIN(a) | MAX(a) |
  | c      | b      |
  mysql> SELECT MIN(a), MAX(a) FROM enums WHERE b = 1;
  | MIN(a) | MAX(a) |
  | a      | c      |

Flexible Datatypes


Flexible Datatypes

Build in:

  • integer, (small|big)int, decimal, numeric, real
  • money, serial, (small|big)serial
  • character(n), char(n), text, bytea
  • timestamp (with/without time zone), date, time, interval
  • boolean, enum
  • point, line, box, path, polygon, circle
  • cidr, inet, macaddr
  • tsvector, uuid
  • xml, json, jsonb, arrays
  • (int4|int8|num|ts|tstz|date)range

With extensions:

  • box2d, box3d, geometry, geometry_dump, geography
  • spoint, strans, scircle, sline, sellipse, spoly, spath, sbox
  • image, hstore, prefix_range
  • semver, mpz, mpq
  • many others...


Flexible Datatypes

        select array_agg(id) from endpoints group by application_id;
        select (array['hi', 'there', 'everyone', 'at', 'smartme'])[random()*2 + 1];
        select name, tags from posts where tags @> array['it', 'sql'];
        select unnest(tags) as tag from posts where title = 'About PostgreSQL';

Ranges (9.2+)

Flexible Datatypes

        SELECT int4range(10, 20) @> 3;
        SELECT daterange('["Jan 1 2013", "Jan 15 2013")') @> 'Jan 10 2013'::date;
        $ ALTER TABLE reservation ADD EXCLUDE USING gist (during WITH &&);

        $ INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (1108, '[2010-01-01 11:30, 2010-01-01 13:00)');
        INSERT 0 1

        $ INSERT INTO reservation VALUES (1108, '[2010-01-01 14:45, 2010-01-01 15:45)');
        ERROR:  conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "reservation_during_excl"
        DETAIL:  Key (during)=([ 2010-01-01 14:45:00, 2010-01-01 15:45:00 )) conflicts
        with existing key (during)=([ 2010-01-01 14:30:00, 2010-01-01 15:30:00 )).


Flexible Datatypes

        $ SELECT xpath('/my:a/text()', 'test', ARRAY[ARRAY['my', '']]);
        $ SELECT * from json_demo;
          id | username |       email       | posts_count
           1 | john     |    |          10
           2 | mickael  | |          50
         $ SELECT row_to_json(json_demo) FROM json_demo;

JSON/JSONB and PLV8 for "schemaless" sql

Flexible Datatypes

        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_numeric(json_raw json, key text)
        RETURNS numeric AS $$
          var o = JSON.parse(json_raw);
          return o[key];
        SELECT * FROM members WHERE get_numeric(profile, 'age') = 36;
        Time: 9340.142 ms
        CREATE INDEX member_age ON members (get_numeric(profile, 'age'));
         SELECT * FROM members WHERE get_numeric(profile, 'age') = 36;
         Time: 57.429 ms

JSON functions (9.3+)

Flexible Datatypes

  • array_to_json (present in 9.2)
  • row_to_json (present in 9.2)
  • to_json
  • json_array_length
  • json_each
  • json_each_text
  • json_extract_path
  • json_extract_path_text
  • json_object_keys
  • json_populate_record
  • json_populate_recordset
  • json_array_elements

JSONB (9.4+)

Flexible Datatypes

        SELECT '[1, 2, 3]'::jsonb @> '[1, 3]'::jsonb;
        (1 row)

        SELECT '{"product": "PostgreSQL", "version": 9.4, "jsonb":true}'::jsonb @> '{"version":9.4}'::jsonb;
        (1 row)

WITH examples


        WITH a AS ( SELECT 'a' as a ) SELECT * FROM a;
          prepared_data AS ( ... )
        SELECT data, count(data),
               min(data), max(data)
        FROM prepared_data
        GROUP BY data;

WITH examples


      $ WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS (
          VALUES (1)
        UNION ALL
          SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100
        SELECT sum(n) FROM t;

        (1 row)



        $ LISTEN delay_worker;
        $ NOTIFY delay_worker, '44924';
        Asynchronous notification "delay_worker"
        with payload "44924" received from server process with PID 29118.
        $ SELECT pg_notify('delay_worker', '44924');

        (1 row)

        Asynchronous notification "delay_worker"
        with payload "44924" received from server process with PID 29118.

What is this?


  • LISTEN on a channel
  • NOTIFY messages are delivered asynchronously w/payload
  • useful to fan out messages to other clients

Great for

  • broadcasting events to other clients
  • work distribution
  • cache busting

Window functions example

Window functions

        $ SELECT depname, empno, salary, avg(salary)
          OVER (PARTITION BY depname) FROM empsalary;
         depname  | empno | salary |          avg
         develop   |    11 |   5200 | 5020.0000000000000000
         develop   |     7 |   4200 | 5020.0000000000000000
         develop   |     9 |   4500 | 5020.0000000000000000
         develop   |     8 |   6000 | 5020.0000000000000000
         develop   |    10 |   5200 | 5020.0000000000000000
         personnel |     5 |   3500 | 3700.0000000000000000
         personnel |     2 |   3900 | 3700.0000000000000000
         sales     |     3 |   4800 | 4866.6666666666666667
         sales     |     1 |   5000 | 4866.6666666666666667
         sales     |     4 |   4800 | 4866.6666666666666667
        (10 rows)

Window functions example

Window functions

        $ SELECT salary, sum(salary) OVER () FROM empsalary;
         salary |  sum
           5200 | 47100
           5000 | 47100
           3500 | 47100
           4800 | 47100
           3900 | 47100
           4200 | 47100
           4500 | 47100
           4800 | 47100
           6000 | 47100
           5200 | 47100
        (10 rows)

Window functions example

Window functions

        $ SELECT salary, sum(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary) FROM empsalary;
         salary |  sum
           3500 |  3500
           3900 |  7400
           4200 | 11600
           4500 | 16100
           4800 | 25700
           4800 | 25700
           5000 | 30700
           5200 | 41100
           5200 | 41100
           6000 | 47100
        (10 rows)

PostgreSQL Internals

Backend Flowchart

PostgreSQL Internals


PostgreSQL Internals


  • Scan Methods
  • Join Methods
  • Join Order

Scan Methods

  • Sequential Scan
  • Index Scan
  • Bitmap Index Scan

Sequential Scan

PostgreSQL Internals


Btree Index Scan

PostgreSQL Internals


Bitmap Index Scan

PostgreSQL Internals


Join Methods

PostgreSQL Internals

  • Nested Loop
    • With Inner Sequential Scan
    • With Inner Index Scan
  • Hash Join
  • Merge Join

Nested Loop Join with Inner Sequential Scan

PostgreSQL Internals


Used For Small Tables

Nested Loop Join with Inner Index Scan

PostgreSQL Internals


Index Must Already Exist

Hash Join

PostgreSQL Internals


Merge Join

PostgreSQL Internals


Ideal for Large Tables, An Index Can Be Used to Eliminate the Sort

Learn SQL Joins

PostgreSQL Internals

Lock Modes

PostgreSQL Internals

Mode Used
Access Share Lock SELECT
Share Row Exclusive Lock EXCLUSIVE MODE but allows ROW SHARE LOCK
Exclusive Lock Blocks ROW SHARE LOCK and SELECT...FOR UPDATE
Advisory Locks Application-defined

PostgreSQL settings

At beginning

PostgreSQL settings

  • Do not use the default settings
  • Use the latest version of a PostgreSQL server
  • Do not rely on performance tests
  • EXPLAIN ANALYZE and indexes, indexes, indexes

Performance since PostgreSQL 7.4


Performance since PostgreSQL 7.4


Performance since PostgreSQL 7.4


shared_buffers and work_mem

PostgreSQL settings


Sets the amount of memory the database server uses for shared memory buffers. Larger settings for shared_buffers usually require a corresponding increase in checkpoint_segments, in order to spread out the process of writing large quantities of new or changed data over a longer period of time.


Specifies the amount of memory to be used by internal sort operations and hash tables before writing to temporary disk files. Note that for a complex query, several sort or hash operations might be running in parallel; each operation will be allowed to use as much memory as this value specifies before it starts to write data into temporary files.

shared_buffers (< 9.3)

PostgreSQL settings

  # simple shmsetup script
  page_size=`getconf PAGE_SIZE`
  phys_pages=`getconf _PHYS_PAGES`
  shmall=`expr $phys_pages / 2`
  shmmax=`expr $shmall \* $page_size`
  echo kernel.shmmax = $shmmax
  echo kernel.shmall = $shmall

Example for 2GB:

  kernel.shmmax = 1055092736
  kernel.shmall = 257591

maintenance_work_mem and temp_buffers

PostgreSQL settings


Specifies the maximum amount of memory to be used by maintenance operations, such as VACUUM, CREATE INDEX, and ALTER TABLE ADD FOREIGN KEY.


Sets the maximum number of temporary buffers used by each database session. These are session-local buffers used only for access to temporary tables.

checkpoint_segments and checkpoint_completion_target

PostgreSQL settings


Maximum number of log file segments between automatic WAL checkpoints (each segment is normally 16 megabytes).


Specifies the target of checkpoint completion, as a fraction of total time between checkpoints.

synchronous_commit and fsync

PostgreSQL settings


Specifies whether transaction commit will wait for WAL records to be written to disk before the command returns a "success" indication to the client. Valid values are on, remote_write, local, and off.


If this parameter is on, the PostgreSQL server will try to make sure that updates are physically written to disk, by issuing fsync() system calls or various equivalent methods.

default_statistics_target and effective_cache_size

PostgreSQL settings


Sets the default statistics target for table columns without a column-specific target set via ALTER TABLE SET STATISTICS. Larger values increase the time needed to do ANALYZE, but might improve the quality of the planner's estimates.


Sets the planner's assumption about the effective size of the disk cache that is available to a single query. This is factored into estimates of the cost of using an index; a higher value makes it more likely index scans will be used, a lower value makes it more likely sequential scans will be used.


PostgreSQL settings

Filesystem and swap

PostgreSQL settings

  • barrier=0, noatime
  • xfs or ext4
  • vm.swappiness = 0
  • On large amounts of memory swap still almost useless
  • Transfer of the transaction log on a separate disk

Huge Pages (9.4+, linux only)

PostgreSQL settings

  • huge_pages = try|on|off (9.4+)
  • echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag
  • echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
  $ head -1 /path/to/data/directory/
  $ grep ^VmPeak /proc/4170/status
  VmPeak:  6490428 kB


What is index?



Why we need indexes


  • Data search - all indexes support search values on equality. Some indexes also support prefix search (like "abc%"), arbitrary ranges search
  • Optimizer - B-Tree and R-Tree indexes represent a histogram arbitrary precision
  • Join - indexes can be used for Merge, Index algorithms
  • Relation - indexes can be used for except/intersect operations
  • Aggregations - indexes can effectively calculate some aggregation function (count, min, max, etc)
  • Grouping - indexes can effectively calculate the arbitrary grouping and aggregate functions (sort-group algorithm)

B-Tree index


B-Tree index

B-Tree index


  • Retain sorting data
  • Support the search for the unary and binary predicates
  • Allow the entire sequence of data to estimate cardinality (number of entries) for the entire index (and therefore the table), range, and with arbitrary precision without scanning


  • For their construction is require to perform a full sorting pairs (row, RowId) (slow operation)
  • Take up a lot of disk space. Index on unique "Integers" weights twice more as the column (because additionaly RowId need stored)
  • Recording unbalances tree constantly, and begins to store data sparsely, and the access time is increased by increasing the amount of disk information. What is why, B-Tree indexes require monitoring and periodic rebuilding

R-Tree index

R-Tree index

R-Tree index


  • Search for arbitrary regions, points
  • Allows us to estimate the number of dots in a region without a full data scan


  • Significant redundancy in the data storage
  • Slow update

In general, the pros-cons are very similar to B-Tree.

Hash index

Hash index

Hash index


  • Very fast search O(1)
  • Stability - the index does not need to be rebuild


  • Hash is very sensitive to collisions. In the case of "bad" data distribution, most of the entries will be concentrated in a few bouquets, and in fact the search will occur through collision resolution

As you can see, Hash indexes are only useful for equality comparisons, but you pretty much never want to use them since they are not transaction safe, need to be manually rebuilt after crashes, and are not replicated to followers in PostgreSQL.

Bitmap index

Bitmap index

Bitmap index


  • Compact representation (small amount of disk space)
  • Fast reading and searching for the predicate "is"
  • Effective algorithms for packing masks (even more compact representation, than indexed data)


  • You can not change the method of encoding values in the process of updating the data. From this it follows that if the distribution data has changed, it is required the index to be completely rebuild

PostgreSQL is not provide persistent bitmap index. But it can be used in database to combine multiple indexes. PostgreSQL scans each needed index and prepares a bitmap in memory giving the locations of table rows that are reported as matching that index's conditions. The bitmaps are then ANDed and ORed together as needed by the query. Finally, the actual table rows are visited and returned.

GiST index

Generalized Search Tree (GiST) indexes allow you to build general balanced tree structures, and can be used for operations beyond equality and range comparisons.

The essential difference lies in the organization of the key. B-Tree trees sharpened by search ranges, and hold a maximum subtree-child. R-Tree - the region on the coordinate plane. GiST offers as values ​​in the non-leaf nodes store the information that we consider essential, and which will determine if we are interested in values ​​(satisfying the predicate) in the subtree-child.


  • Efficient search


  • Large redundancy
  • The specialized implementation for each query group are nessesary

The rest of the pros-cons similar to B-Tree and R-Tree.

GIN index

Generalized Inverted Indexes (GIN) are useful when an index must map many values to one row, whereas B-Tree indexes are optimized for when a row has a single key value. GINs are good for indexing array values as well as for implementing full-text search.

Key features:

  • Well suited for full-text search
  • Look for a full match ("is", but not "less" or "more")
  • Well suited for semi-structured data search
  • Allows you to perform several different searches (queries) in a single pass
  • Scales much better than GiST (support large volumes of data)
  • Works well for frequent recurrence of elements (and therefore are perfect for full-text search)

Block Range (BRIN) Indexes (9.5+)

BRIN stands for Block Range INdexes, and store metadata on a range of pages. At the moment this means the minimum and maximum values per block.

Key features:

  • Hold "summary" data, instead of raw data
  • Reduce index size tremendously
  • Reduce creation/maintenance cost
  • Needs extra tuple fetch to get extra record

Unique Indexes

A unique index guarantees that the table won’t have more than one row with the same value. It's advantageous to create unique indexes for two reasons: data integrity and performance. Lookups on a unique index are generally very fast.

There is little distinction between unique indexes and unique constraints. Unique indexes can be though of as lower level, since expression indexes and partial indexes cannot be created as unique constraints. Even partial unique indexes on expressions are possible.

Multi-column Indexes

In general, you can create an index on every column that covers query conditions and in most cases Postgres will use them, so make sure to benchmark and justify the creation of a multi-column index before you create them. As always, indexes come with a cost, and multi-column indexes can only optimize the queries that reference the columns in the index in the same order, while multiple single column indexes provide performance improvements to a larger number of queries.

However there are cases where a multi-column index clearly makes sense. An index on columns (a, b) can be used by queries containing WHERE a = x AND b = y, or queries using WHERE a = x only, but will not be used by a query using WHERE b = y. So if this matches the query patterns of your application, the multi-column index approach is worth considering. Also note that in this case creating an index on a alone would be redundant.

Functional Indexes

Functional and Partial Indexes

Index on expression

        CREATE INDEX foo_name_first_idx
        ON foo ((lower(substr(foo_name, 1, 1))));

for selects

        SELECT * FROM foo
        WHERE lower(substr(foo_name, 1, 1)) = 's';

Partial Indexes

Functional and Partial Indexes

Index refers to the predicate WHERE

        CREATE INDEX access_log_client_ip_ix ON access_log (client_ip)
        WHERE (client_ip > inet '' AND
                   client_ip < inet '');

for selects

        SELECT * FROM access_log
        WHERE client_ip = '';

Create Index Concurrently



        CREATE INDEX sales_quantity_index ON sales_table (quantity);

this better for huge table

        CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY sales_quantity_index ON sales_table (quantity);

but be careful

            "idx" btree (col) INVALID



REINDEX rebuilds an index using the data stored in the index's table, replacing the old copy of the index

  • An index has become corrupted, and no longer contains valid data. Although in theory this should never happen, in practice indexes can become corrupted due to software bugs or hardware failures
  • An index has become "bloated", that it is contains many empty or nearly-empty pages. This can occur with B-tree indexes in PostgreSQL under certain uncommon access patterns
  • An index build with the CONCURRENTLY option failed, leaving an "invalid" index

REINDEX is similar to a drop and recreate of the index in that the index contents are rebuilt from scratch

Flexible Indexes

MySQL PostgreSQL MS SQL Oracle
B-Tree index Yes Yes Yes Yes
Spatial indexes R-Tree Rtree_GiST Grid-based spatial index R-Tree, Quadtree
Hash index Only in memory tables Yes No No
Bitmap index No Yes No Yes
Reverse index No No No Yes
Inverted index Yes Yes Yes Yes
Partial index No Yes Yes No
Function based index No Yes Yes Yes

Table Inheritance

Vertical and Horizontal Scaling


Vertical scaling

Horizontal Scaling

Buying a bigger box is quick(ish). Redesigning software is not.
Cal Henderson
37 Signals Basecamp upgraded to 128 GB DB server: don’t need to pay the complexity tax yet
David Heinemeier Hansson
Ruby on Rails

How to use Partitioning


        CREATE TABLE my_logs(
          id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
          logdate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
          data JSON
        CREATE TABLE my_logs2015m01 (
        CHECK ( logdate >= DATE '2015−01−01' AND logdate < DATE '2015−02−01' )
        ) INHERITS (my_logs);
        CREATE INDEX my_logs2015m01_logdate ON my_logs2015m01 (logdate);

Management Partition


Simple cleanup

        DROP TABLE my_logs2015m01;

or remove partition from partitioning

        ALTER TABLE my_logs2015m01 NO INHERIT my_logs;

Management Partition


  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_logs_insert_trigger()
      IF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2015-01-01' AND
           NEW.logdate < DATE '2015-02-01' ) THEN
          INSERT INTO my_logs2015m01 VALUES (NEW.*);
      ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2015-02-01' AND
              NEW.logdate < DATE '2015-03-01' ) THEN
          INSERT INTO my_logs2015m02 VALUES (NEW.*);
          RAISE EXCEPTION 'Date out of range.  Fix the my_logs_insert_trigger() function!';
      END IF;
  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Management Partition


Activate trigger:

  CREATE TRIGGER insert_my_logs_trigger
      BEFORE INSERT ON my_logs
      FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE my_logs_insert_trigger();

test it:

  INSERT INTO my_logs (user_id, logdate, data, some_state) VALUES(1, '2015-01-30', 'some data', 1);
  INSERT INTO my_logs (user_id, logdate, data, some_state) VALUES(2, '2015-02-10', 'some data2', 1);

Management Partition



  $ SELECT * FROM ONLY my_logs;
   id | user_id | logdate | data | some_state
  (0 rows)

  $ SELECT * FROM my_logs;
   id | user_id |       logdate       |       data       | some_state
    1 |       1 | 2015-10-30 00:00:00 | some data        |          1
    2 |       2 | 2015-02-10 00:00:00 | some data2       |          1

PG Partition Manager


PG Partition Manager

  CREATE schema test;

  CREATE TABLE test.part_test (col1 serial, col2 text, col3 timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now());

  SELECT partman.create_parent('test.part_test', 'col3', 'time-static', 'daily');

This will turn your table into a parent table and premake 4 future partitions and also make 4 past partitions. To make new partitions for time-based partitioning, use the run_maintenance() function.

Smart Query Optimization


  $ SET constraint_exclusion = partition;
  $ EXPLAIN SELECT ∗ FROM my_logs WHERE logdate > '2012−08−01';
                            QUERY PLAN
  Result ( cost =6.81..41.87 rows=660 width=52)
    −> Append ( cost =6.81..41.87 rows=660 width=52)
      −> Bitmap Heap Scan on my_logs ( cost =6.81..20.93 rows=330 width=52)
        Recheck Cond: ( logdate > '2012−08−01 00:00:00' : : timestamp without time zone)
          −> Bitmap Index Scan on my_logs_logdate ( cost =0.00..6.73 rows=330 width=0)
            Index Cond: (logdate > '2012−08−01 00:00:00' : : timestamp without time zone)
      −> Bitmap Heap Scan on my_logs2012m08 my_logs ( cost =6.81..20.93 rows=330 width=52)
        Recheck Cond: ( logdate > '2012−08−01 00:00:00' : : timestamp without time zone)
          −> Bitmap Index Scan on my_logs2012m08_logdate ( cost =0.00..6.73 rows=330 width=0)
            Index Cond: (logdate > '2010−08−01 00:00:00' : : timestamp without time zone)
  (10 rows)



  • There is no automatic way to verify that all of the CHECK constraints are mutually exclusive
  • The schemes shown here assume that the partition key column(s) of a row never change, or at least do not change enough to require it to move to another partition
  • If you are using manual VACUUM or ANALYZE commands, don't forget that you need to run them on each partition individually
  • All constraints on all partitions of the master table are examined during constraint exclusion, so large numbers of partitions are likely to increase query planning time considerably. Partitioning using these techniques will work well with up to perhaps a hundred partitions; don't try to use many thousands of partitions


Replication Solutions


  • Streaming Replication (build in)
  • Slony-I
  • Pgpool-I/II
  • Bucardo
  • Londiste
  • RubyRep
  • many others...

Streaming Replication



  • Advantages:
    • Log-shipping instead triggers
    • Multiple standbys
    • Synchronous and asynchronous
    • Continuous recovery
    • Easy monitoring
  • Disadvantages:
    • You can replicate only full database
    • Replication beyond timeline
    • No failover and load balancing

The history of replication in PostgreSQL


  • 2001: PostgreSQL 7.1: write-ahead log
  • 2004: Slony
  • 2005: PostgreSQL 8.0: point-in-time recovery
  • 2008: PostgreSQL 8.3: pg_standby
  • 2010: PostgreSQL 9.0: hot standby, streaming replication
  • 2011: PostgreSQL 9.1: pg_basebackup, synchronous replication
  • 2012: PostgreSQL 9.2: cascading replication
  • 2013: PostgreSQL 9.3: standby can follow timeline switch
  • 2014: PostgreSQL 9.4: replication slots, logical decoding
  • 2015? PostgreSQL 9.5? pg_rewind?




  • Advantages:
    • Replicate between different version of databases
    • Replicate part of tables in database
    • Extra behaviours taking place on subscribers, for instance, populating cache management information
  • Disadvantages:
    • Trigger replication
    • You're probably okay. Until slony breaks :)




  • Advantages:
    • Simple setup
    • Have additional features (Connection Pooling, Load Balancing, Limiting Exceeding Connections, Parallel Query)
  • Disadvantages:
    • Synchronous replication (more nodes - bigger slowdown)




  • Advantages:
    • Master-master of Master-slave replication
    • Replicate between different version of databases
    • Replicate part of tables in database
    • Replicate to different databases (drizzle, mongo, mysql, oracle, redis and sqlite)
  • Disadvantages:
    • Trigger replication




  • Advantages:
    • Replicate between different version of databases
    • Replicate part of tables in database
    • Simple setup and monitoring
  • Disadvantages:
    • Trigger replication

Bi-Directional Replication (BDR)


  • Advantages:
    • Master-master replication
    • Up to 48 nodes
  • Disadvantages:
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Each node eventually consistent
    • Right now we have only patch, official should be for 9.5

Replication comparison

Hot Standby BDR Londiste Slony Bucardo
Multi-Master No Yes No1 No Yes
Per DB Replication No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cascading Yes No Yes Yes Yes
DDL Replication Yes Yes No2 No2 No
Need external daemon No No Yes Yes Yes
New table added automatically Yes Yes No No No
Use triggers No No Yes Yes Yes
Support updates on PK columns Yes Yes No No No
Selective replication No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transactions applied indidualy Yes Yes No No No

1 - Multi-master via handler, but only supports last update wins conflict resolution and is complicated

2 - Londiste and Slony provide facilities for executing scripts on all nodes but it's not transparent

Pgpool-II + Streaming Replication = <3


  • Ease of setup and maintenance
  • Adding slaves without sacrificing performance
  • More slaves - more performance on reading (load balancing)
  • Automatic switch to slave if master fail (failover)


Clustering solutions


  • Pl/Proxy (SkyTools)
  • Postgres-XC, Postgres-XL
  • Pg_shard
  • Stado (sequel to GridSQL)
  • Greenplum
Horizontal Scaling



  public.get_cluster_partitions(cluster_name text)
    IF cluster_name = 'usercluster' THEN
      RETURN NEXT 'dbname=plproxytest host=node1 user=postgres';
      RETURN NEXT 'dbname=plproxytest host=node2 user=postgres';
    END IF;
    RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unknown cluster';
    COST 100
    ROWS 1000;
  ALTER FUNCTION public.get_cluster_partitions(text)
  OWNER TO postgres;




  • Write‐scalable PostgreSQL cluster (more than 3x scalability performance speedup with five servers, compared with pure PostgreSQL)
  • Synchronous multi‐master configuration (any update to any master is visible from other masters immediately)
  • Table location transparent
  • Based upon PostgreSQL
  • Same API to Apps as PostgreSQL







  CREATE TABLE customer_reviews
      customer_id TEXT NOT NULL,
      review_date DATE,
      review_rating INTEGER

  SELECT master_create_distributed_table('customer_reviews', 'customer_id');

  SELECT master_create_worker_shards('customer_reviews', 16, 2);





Pg_shard Limitations


Architectural decisions:

  • Transactional semantics for queries that span across multiple shards. For example, you're a financial institution and you sharded your data based on customer_id. You'd now like to withdraw money from one customer's account and debit it to another one's account, in a single transaction block
  • Unique constraints on columns other than the partition key, or foreign key constraints
  • Distributed "JOIN"s also aren't supported

Unsupported features:

  • Table alterations are not supported: customers who do need table alterations accomplish them by using a script that propagates such changes to all worker nodes
  • "DROP TABLE" does not have any special semantics when used on a distributed table. An upcoming release will add a shard cleanup command to aid in removing shard objects from worker nodes
  • Queries such as "INSERT INTO foo SELECT bar, baz FROM qux" are not supported

Radical Additional Options


"NoSQL" database

  • CouchDB, MongoDB, HBase, Cassandra, Redis
  • Document store
  • Map/Reduce querying


Foreign Data Wrappers (FDWs)



Foreign Data Wrappers (FDWs)

  • oracle_fdw
  • mysql_fdw
  • odbc_fdw
  • jdbc_fdw
  • couchdb_fdw
  • mongo_fdw
  • redis_fdw
  • file_fdw, file_text_array_fdw, file_fixed_length_record_fdw
  • twitter_fdw
  • ldap_fdw
  • s3_fdw
  • www_fdw
  • Multicorn (CSV, FS, RSS, Hive)

Wrappers support

Foreign Data Wrappers (FDWs)

  • From PostgreSQL 9.1 - wrappers can only read
  • From PostgreSQL 9.3 - wrappers can read and write

Contrib Extensions

  • Dblink
  • Cube
  • Fuzzystrmatch
  • Hstore
  • Intarray
  • Ltree
  • Pg_buffercache
  • Pgbench
  • Uuid-ossp
  • Tsearch2
  • many others...

PostGIS and PgSphere


PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL. PostGIS corresponds OpenGIS and has been certified

PgSphere provides spherical PostgreSQL data types, as well as functions and operators to work with them. Used to work with geographic (can be used instead of PostGIS) or astronomical data types




PLV8 is an extension that provides PostgreSQL procedural language with the V8 JavaScript engine

Why javascript?

  • everywhere
  • good parts
  • trusted language



        psqlfib(n int) RETURNS int AS $$
             IF n < 2 THEN
                 RETURN n;
             END IF;
             RETURN psqlfib(n-1) + psqlfib(n-2);


            select n, psqlfib(n)
            from generate_series(0,30,5) as n;
               n  | psqlfib
                0 |       0
                5 |       5
               10 |      55
               15 |     610
               20 |    6765
               25 |   75025
               30 |  832040
              (7 rows)

              Time: 34014.299 ms



        fib(n int) RETURNS int as $$

          function fib(n) {
            return n<2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
          return fib(n)



            select n, fib(n)
            from generate_series(0,30,5) as n;
               n  |  fib
                0 |      0
                5 |      5
               10 |     55
               15 |    610
               20 |   6765
               25 |  75025
               30 | 832040
              (7 rows)

              Time: 33.430 ms

Fibonacci (with cache in js object)


        fib2(n int) RETURNS int as $$

          var memo = {0: 0, 1: 1}
          function fib(n) {
            if(!(n in memo))
              memo[n] = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
            return memo[n]
          return fib(n);


            select n, fib2(n)
            from generate_series(0,30,5) as n;
               n  |  fib2
                0 |      0
                5 |      5
               10 |     55
               15 |    610
               20 |   6765
               25 |  75025
               30 | 832040
              (7 rows)

              Time: 0.535 ms

Mustache.js in PostgreSQL


Mustache.js in PostgreSQL


        create or replace function mustache(template text, view json)
        returns text as $$
          // …400 lines of mustache.js…
          return Mustache.to_html(template, JSON.parse(view))
        select mustache(
          'hello {{#things}}{{.}} {{/things}}:) {{#data}}{{key}}{{/data}}',
          '{"things": ["world", "from", "postgresql"], "data": {"key": "and me"}}'
           hello world from postgresql :) and me
          (1 row)

          Time: 0.837 ms



Ways to store tree in RDBMS:

  • Parent-child
  • Materialized Path
  • Nested Sets

Ltree - an extension that allows you to store tree structures in the form of tags, as well as providing opportunities to find them

  • Implementation of the algorithm Materialized Path (fast enough as to write and read)
  • Usually the decision will be faster than using the CTE (Common Table Expressions) or a recursive function (constantly be recalculated branch)
  • Integrated search mechanisms
  • Indexes

Another list of good extensions


  • PostPic
  • Pg_repack
  • Smlar
  • Pgaudit
  • Texcaller
  • PgMemcache
  • Prefix
  • Pgloader
  • Cstore_fdw
  • Pg_shard

Backup and restore

SQL backup

Backup and restore

    $ pg_dump dbname > outfile
    $ psql dbname < infile
    $ pg_dump -h host1 dbname | psql -h host2 dbname
    $ pg_dumpall > outfile

SQL backup of a big databases (use gzip)

SQL backup

    $ pg_dump dbname | gzip > filename.gz
    $ gunzip -c filename.gz | psql dbname
    $ cat filename.gz | gunzip | psql dbname

SQL backup of a big databases (use split)

SQL backup

    $ pg_dump dbname | split -b 1m - filename
    $ cat filename* | psql dbname

SQL backup of a big databases (use build-in Zlib)

SQL backup

    $ pg_dump -Fc dbname > filename
    $ pg_restore -d dbname filename

tables can be selectively recovered

    $ pg_restore -d dbname -t users -t companies filename

File system backup

Backup and restore

    $ tar -cf backup.tar /usr/local/pgsql/data

But there are two restrictions, which makes this method impractical

  • PostgreSQL database must be stopped in order to get the current backup. During the restoration of the backup will also need to stop PostgreSQL
  • Do not get restore only certain data from this backup

File system backup

Backup and restore

Working variants

  • Filesystem snapshots (if the file system PostgreSQL is distributed on different file systems, then this method will be very unreliable)
  • Rsync working database and after this rsync stopped database. The second run rsync pass much faster than the first

Continuous Archiving

Backup and restore

This approach is more difficult to setup than any of the previous approach, but it has some advantages:

  • No need to coordinate the system backup files. Any internal inconsistency in the backup will be corrected by wal log replay (no different from what happens during crash recovery)
  • Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR)
  • If we will constantly "feed" WAL files to another machine that has been loaded with the same files standby database, then we will be being always up to date backup server PostgreSQL (creation of hot standby server)

Continuous Archiving

Backup and restore

    archive_mode = on # enable archiving
    archive_command = 'cp -v %p /data/pgsql/archives/%f'
    archive_timeout = 300 # timeout to close buffers
    $ rsync -avz --delete prod1:/data/pgsql/archives/ \
    /data/pgsql/archives/ > /dev/null
    restore_command = 'cp /data/pgsql/archives/%f "%p"'

WAL-E and Barman

Continuous Archiving

WAL-E is designed for continuous backup PostgreSQL WAL-logs in Amazon S3 or Windows Azure (since version 0.7) and management and pg_start_backup pg_stop_backup. Utility written in Python and is designed in the company Heroku, where it is actively used

Barman, as WAL-E, allows you to create a system backup and restore PostgreSQL-based continuous backup. Barman uses to store backups separate server that can collect as backups from one or from multiple PostgreSQL databases

Scaling strategy for PostgreSQL

Scaling strategy
  • Bandwidth limitation of data reading;
  • Bandwidth limitation of data recording;

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