Presentations archive
WASM: Emscripten, Rust and Golang (2021)
DA and BigQuery (2021)
CSS Tools for Devs (2021)
Using Web Workers (2021)
Using serverless in products (2021)
Chef InSpec for your security and compliance automation - RubyWine 2020 (online)
Anycable on production: tips and tricks - Pivorak Online Meetup 2020
Gettext - i18n for big web project - Rubymeditation #28 2019
Serverless use cases for Web projects - Pivorak 4.0
Application Security for Rails Engineers - RubyC 2019
EXPLAIN to me, why are you so slow? - PLUG #3
Road to A/B testing - RubyMeditation #25
PostgreSQL 10/11 New Features - SqlSaturday 2018
Trends in Front-End and Mobile Development for 2018 - iForum 2018
PostgreSQL 10 New Features - Lviv SQL Server UG 2017
Supercharge your PostgreSQL with extensions - PgConfEU 2017
React-Native from Rubyist's Perspective - Ruby Meditation #17 2017
Supercharge your PostgreSQL with extensions - SqlSaturday 2017
Unstructured Types in PostgreSQL - UDCK 2017
Machine Learning in Ruby - RubyMeditation #13 (2017)
PostgreSQL and Big Data - SQLSaturday #508 (2016)
The Silver Bullet Syndrome - RubyMeditation #6 (2016)
Crystal: Ruby syntax and C performance - BRUG 2015 (Belarus Ruby User Group)
Scaling PostgreSQL - Kyiv SQL Server User Group 2015
Infrastructure Automation with Chef, Ansible, Docker - RubyC 2015
PostgreSQL: tuning and scaling - SmartMe 2015
JS-frameworks: Why? What for? How? - iForum 2014
CoffeeScript - SmartMe master class 2013
Marionette.js - SmartMe master class 2013
AWS OpsWorks - DevOps-Club in Grammarly 2013
Let's GO! - RubyShift 2013
Features what you might have missed about PostgreSQL - HotCode 2013
Chef Solo and Chef Server for "cloud" automation - HotCode Conf 2013
Getting Started with Ember.js - RW 2013
Chef in Action - RubYcon Kharkiv 2012
PostgreSQL in Highload Projects - UA PyCon 2012
CoffeeScript - SmartMe master class 2012
Backbone.js - SmartMe master class 2012
Lviv RUG #3 (2012)
PostgreSQL in Highload Projects - RubyShift 2012
MongoDBLogger for Rails 3
CouchDB & CouchApp
Shared Templates for Rails 3